thatgrrrl's Diaryland Diary


I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you

So. We are less than a month from the go live date. Actually, 2 and a half weeks from the go live date. And, overall, it's going pretty well. I still have a couple of data migration problems to solve, but they are not unsolvable, so that's good. I feel pretty comfortable with the prospect of going live. Not so scary now that we've been trained, and I think most people (with one GLARING exception that I can think of off the top of my head) feel the same. Before the training, they were scared. Now, not so much. The unknown and all that.

Anyway, other than work? Not much. D and I got a real Christmas tree yesterday, Lawchick and her hubby Jack Ryan (not his real name, but we think he's a spy) went with us and transported it on their Honda Pilot back to the house, then Jack Ryan sculpted the trunk so it would fit in the stand (barely) and got it straight and carried it into the house. After they left, D and I spent about an hour troubleshooting the 2.5 strings of lights which wouldn't light. Luckily, we have 2.5 strings that DO light, so we used the 2.5 that work, with the .5 that doesn't work, hidden under the skirt/white sheet under the tree. I might take them all off today and put them back on in a vertical pattern, rather than around and around, because they're not very well distributed.

Or I might not, and just say fuck it. D and NS and the child will decorate the tree with the ornaments and stuff on Wednesday while I'm at work.

My plan for today mostly involves wrapping presents. Also, testing games on NS's computer that we've installed for the child, so he's not bored while they're here. Also clipping dog and cat nails.

Let's see, what else can I tell you? I have almost a full 100 stack on a spindle of hours of Bob & Tom show on CDs. I burn them to CD (we're VIP members so have access to the mp3s that they have on their website from every show) and listen to them in the car when the show's not on live. After I listen to them though, I don't want to save them to listen to again. At first, I used to just toss the CDs in the trash. But then I thought, surely there's someone who might want these that can't hear the show. So now I save them. But I'm running out of spindle on this stack. If any of my three loyal readers would like this stack of CDs, just email me and send me an address, and I will ship them to you via Media Male (lol... MAIL!!!) next week. Bob & Tom are on in most major radio markets, but maybe not yours.

Ok, that's all, I'm out of stuff to say, obviously. :)

9:04 a.m. - 2004-12-19


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