thatgrrrl's Diaryland Diary


walking, no camera, herbal indulgence

Last night was the first night of walking on the treadmill. 20 minutes, got sweaty, and my shins hurt after I was done. But oh well. I got on the scale again this morning, and, because it's PMS time, I think, I'm almost up to where C is down to. :(

Also, the deal for the free camera got a LOT harder to fulfill. Terms say you must complete one deal from EACH of three pages, which wouldn't be a bad deal, except this is what's on page 3: DirecTV with DirecWAY Enjoy high speed internet and DirecTV on one dish! Just $59 now and $99/mo for first 15 months, then $59/mo after that. or RapidSatellite Get up to a 5 room DirecTV FREE today! Requires DirecTV installation and 6 months of service at $29.99/mo.

No way am I signing up for DirecTV just to get a free digital camera. So, to all those whose names I put down as referrals and you've gotten, or will get, an email from about joining, sorry. Feel free to junkmail it, if it didn't end up there already. Unless of course you want to get satellite or directv installed anyway.

Yesterday was another hellish Monday, from the time I sat down at my computer at 10 after 8, I didn't get up till it was time for lunch at 12:15 or so. Not even to go to the bathroom. However, I did get a chance to tell one of the sales managers, in no uncertain terms, that I am NOT going to be able to support the sales software anymore, and that they (the sales managers) better get on the stick and find someone, ANYONE other than ME, to support it, and quickly, because it's not going to get any better from here on out. Not with SAP starting up the 2nd week in July.

I may have to up my Prozac. Or something. Start doing harder drugs, or more often. Maybe I need to get some more medicinal herb from my source, to have on hand here for after work and/or weekends, and D will just have to get over it. That concept is very appealing. Hmmmm...... I'll have to start saving out some cash for that purpose, and make my needs known. Pick up some supplies next time I'm down at C's.

Speaking of herbs, yesterday NewGirl asked me, does BossLady still smoke it? Friday, at lunch, several of us were talking about it casually and BossLady was saying things that made it sound like she might. NewGirl told her hubby about it, and he got all excited, cuz he still does, a lot, and wanted to hang out with BossLady and get high. HA! I told NewGirl that I didn't know if BossLady does, and even if she does, it's probably NOT a good idea to be getting high with your wife's BossLady. Or your own BossLady.

But I'd probably make an exception if she invited me to indulge with her.

6:41 a.m. - 2004-06-08


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