thatgrrrl's Diaryland Diary


Group, geekgrrl, and phone calls

Group yesterday was wierd, for part of it, I felt like I was trying too hard, and still coming up short. I felt like I was trying to use all the "therapy words" that I could, and it still didn't feel real. Yes, I voiced that, and we talked about it. And then it started feeling more real. Maybe because I was talking about MY feelings, rather than trying to find a reaction to other people's feelings, I'm not sure.

And Kat told me that she feels like she's not sure if she can trust me, because she didn't know I had a husband, and that came as a surprise to her, after she already knew I had a girlfriend. *sigh* I wasn't hiding it, she just must not have been paying attention. Not my fault.

The Deck Project has begun. We now no longer have a deck of any sort, just a really BIIIIIIG step out the door we normally use, and a flat piece of dirt. Tommy said the wood of the posts was getting pretty rotten, so we're doing this just in time. He's going to order the lumber today, and dig the holes, and the inspector from the City will come out and say, yep, they're holes. Then he'll put some concrete in them and the posts, I guess. I don't know exactly. I'm planning to take a picture of our non-deck this morning when it gets light, perhaps I'll post some tonight. Before, during and after, so to speak. Or Before and The Beginning.

Remember my Access database that I built? Well, the temp who was in for the last 2 weeks put in over 7000 records, and I'm finishing it up this week, filling in the blanks and doing some proofing. It's going to be very cool, and BossLady will be able to get some good info out of it, I think. I've already put together a bunch of cross-tabs which show the info in all kinds of different configurations.

Yes, I'm a database GeekGrrrl. :)

Other than that.... C called me twice at work yesterday while she was out making deliveries. Just cuz she was thinking about me. She'd see her ring and think about "my girl". Whenever she calls me at work, she says, Hi sexy girl!! when I answer the phone. Sometime, I'm going to say, Who is this???? when she does that. It'll freak her out, I bet. heh. :) I say that to D sometimes, and he laughs.

Nobody noticed my new ring yesterday, and if anyone but the other two lesbians at work HAD noticed, I'm not sure what I'd have said to them. And D hasn't noticed it either. He and I don't hold hands that much, he might not notice it for a while. And when we do, he's on my left, and this new ring is on my right hand. We shall see.

6:42 a.m. - 2002-10-01


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