thatgrrrl's Diaryland Diary


a mini-rant about not signing documents

Ok, still not dead yet, I promise. My new chair arrived on Wednesday, and it totally rocks! Well, not literally, it's stationary, but with 2 pillows and a blanket and a cat and my book and the table next to me and the reading light, it totally rocks my world! I got to spend an hour there last night for the first time, and it was awesome.

Work has been incredibly busy. Getting data shaped up and shipped over to the migration guy for testing into the new system, sitting in on as many training classes as I can, so I can become the SAP goddess just like I am the SBT and FP goddess currently. Luckily for me, this IS my job, so I don't have to try to do my REGULAR job too. I'm about the only one like that, other than the project team. Everyone else has to take time away from their regular jobs to be trained.

I had a dream last night about being made to sign the damn documents for work that say I promise I will not use my work computer or the internet for anything other than work or I will be disciplined, said discipline ranging from a slap on the hand to burning at the stake. Well, ok, maybe just drawing and quartering. Burning someone at the stake would be a fire hazard, hence not allowed. Anyway, in my dream, I signed them. In real life, I haven't. They piss me off. I do my job, and I do a damn GOOD job of it. I work a HELL of a lot harder and more effectively than DA, the network mgr, so if I multitask and chat with someone online WHILE I'M WORKING, what business is it of theirs?

Anyway, I haven't signed them, and, unless someone prints them out and puts them in front of me, and hands me a pen, and waits for me to sign them, I won't. I'm not going to do it voluntarily. Because they piss me off.

And I know, it IS their business, because it's their computer and their internet connection and they're paying me to do the work, but still. I'm a human being. Doing what I do is my version of going out for a cigarette break, except I can still WORK while I'm doing it. Give me a fucking break.

Ok, done ranting now. Time to shower.

6:29 a.m. - 2004-12-03


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